Instructions to Authors



Since 2020, ENTOMOTROPICA publishes one volume per year. The articles will be published online once they are accepted.

All manuscripts are refereed to at least two specialists in the area, who will suggest to the Editorial Committee (EC) its relevance for publication. However, the final decision on the manuscript acceptance rests exclusively with the EC.

ENTOMOTROPICA publishes the following types of works:

Scientific articles. Documents that describe the original results of investigations and that have not been previously published in other media.

Review articles. Reviews on important topics of entomological interest that summarize, analyze and discuss information already published and outline options for future research.

Forums. Discussions carried out by a group of specialists or experts, to analyze the different aspects of a topic, clarify controversies or try to solve problems of interest on topics related to entomology.

Notes. Brief descriptions of novel techniques or equipment, fauna records, migrations, new hosts, and other biological or taxonomic topics of interest to users of the journal.

Recensions. News, reviews or critics of entomological books or with chapters dedicated to entomology.

Obituary notes. Tributes to entomologists who contributed significantly to the knowledge of this science.

Those authors who consider publishing the results of their studies in ENTOMOTROPICA should follow the instructions described below to facilitate the process:

General scheme of the manuscripts to be submitted to Entomotropica

Contributions are published in Spanish, English and Portuguese. The manuscript must be as concise as possible and two files must be submitted containing:

  1. Identification sheet (on separate lines). Title. Name of the author (s) including affiliation address, email, telephone and ORCID code (if they do not have it, they must process it through: Indicate with an asterisk (*) the correspondence author. The authors’ address must be written in lowercase and in italics.
  2. Body of work (on separate lines). Title. Summary. Keywords. Title in English (if the work is written in Spanish or Portuguese). Abstract (if the work is written in Spanish or Portuguese). Keywords (if the work is written in Spanish or Portuguese). The following sections must be included with subtitles: Introduction, Materials and methods, Results, Discussion (results and discussion can be part of the same section), Conclusions, Acknowledgments (optional) and Literature cited. Since the arbitration process is anonymous, this file should not contain any information related to the authors.

The title should be brief, precise and reflect the content of the article, written in normal and lowercase letters. Scientific names of genera / subgenres and species / subspecies must be in italics and accompanied by the surname of the respective author, in an abbreviated form and with the year of publication.

The abstract must be representative of the work and not merely indicative of its content. It must be concise, specific, non-evaluative and clearly state the purpose and content of the manuscript (include the concepts, methods used, findings or implications more important and conclusions). It is recommended not to exceed 200 words.

The keywords must be ordered alphabetically and separated by commas. They should not be repetitive of terms that appear in the title.

Headings like ABSTRACT, INTRODUCTION, etc. They must be separated from the text and written in capital letters, subordinated by a blank line.

Regarding the following sections following the Summary, the aspects described below should be considered:

INTRODUCTION: You must present the rational basis of the study and provide sufficient background for the understanding and evaluation of the results.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: Describe the experimental design with sufficient details of the materials and methods used in the investigation so that a researcher can repeat the experiments.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: The results should be expressed clearly and simply, and the discussion should focus on saying what they mean, presenting the principles, relationships and generalizations that the results indicate and their agreement, or not, with previously published works.

CONCLUSIONS: They should be presented as clearly as possible and summarize the supporting evidence.

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: If any, appreciate any technical or financial help.

LITERATURE CITED: It should preferably be based on works relevant to the subject and already published.

In the text, the scientific names of genera/subgenres and species/subspecies must be in italics, spelled and accompanied by the last name of the author(s) (not abbreviated) of the respective taxon and the year of publication, when pointing them out the first time [ex. Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti (Linnaeus, 1762); Paromenia venata Young, 1977]; from now on, the genus will be abbreviated with the initial letter; in case two or more sorts must be abbreviated with the same initial, two letters will be allowed according to the group’s convention (Ae. aegypti; An. albimanus).

Taxonomic works must comply with the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature 2000. In this sense, the descriptions of new taxa must include descriptive figures of their diagnostic morphology.

The terms «Table» and «Figure» must not be abbreviated in the text and are capitalized with the first letter. The term table will be used to designate any set of data presented in compact form. Any diagram, drawing, graph, photograph or map will be called a figure. In the case of outlined drawings, these must be of good quality (300 dpi minimum). The composite figures (several images in the same figure), must be indicated with correlative lowercase letters and with their respective explanation in the figure legend. The figures will have a short and concise legend, and their numbering will be correlative in the order of appearance in the manuscript. In the diagramming of the figures, the proportions of a letter sheet should be considered. Graphic scales containing the corresponding measure and unit should be used.

Tables and figures should be located at the end of the text, after the literature cited in ascending numerical order and with their respective legend. The number of figures and tables should be limited to the minimum necessary to understand the text of the manuscript.

Measurements must be given according to the decimal metric system, using the official abbreviations, without a period (unless it is the end of the sentence). Decimals must be separated by a comma; the units of a thousand should not be separated by point, but by space (1 998 m), with the exception of the years (2020). Celsius degrees are indicated as “26°C”; geographic coordinates as lat 03°05’10” N, long 60° 18’03” W; the altitude must be expressed in masl (meters above sea level); the dates referring to the collection of organisms must be expressed in day/ month in roman number/year (e.g. 12/XI/2012).

In case of referring to pesticides, these must be indicated by their common or technical names (in lowercase) and may be accompanied by their trade names (in capitals and in parentheses).

The citations in the text will be indicated as follows: Batemann (1972), (Batemann 1972), Olivares and Angulo (1996), (Olivares and Angulo 1996), Geraud-Pouey et al. (1997), (Geraud-Pouey et al. 1997), Anónimo (1998), (Anonymous 1998), (Batemann 1972, Olivares and Angulo 1996, Geraud-Pouey et al. 1997) or, if an Institution, with the indicative letters in capital letters, for example: (IDCN 1994).

In the LITERATURE CITED section, all the works must appear in alphabetical order, according to the last name of the first author. When there is more than one work by the same author or group of authors, they will first be located chronologically from oldest to newest. Then if applicable, the last name of the second author will be taken and so on. In the case of several works from the same year and by the same authors, the letters of the alphabet will be used to distinguish them. Full names of periodicals should be written. References must be accompanied by your DOI code, when it exists.


[Anónimo]. 1998 jul 18. Nuevo bachaquicida. El Universal (Caracas); Cuerpo 2:4.

Geraud-Pouey F, Chirinos D, Rivero G. 1997. Dinámica poblacional y daños causados por Gelechiidae minadores en tomate en la región noroccidental del estado Zulia, Venezuela. Boletín Venezolano de Entomología, 12(1):43-50.

Batemann MA. 1972. The ecology of fruit flies. Annual Review of Entomology, 17:493-518.

Olivares TS, Angulo A. 1996. El órgano timpánico en la clasificación de Lepidoptera: Noctuidae. Boletin Venezolano de Entomología, 11(2):155-183.

Gutiérrez Y, Dias LG, Salles FF. 2013. Paracloeodes caldensis (Ephemeroptera: Baetidae), an atypical new species from the Colombian Andes. Zootaxa, 3721 (3): 291-295.

Etxebeste I, Pajares JA. 2010. Verbenone protects pine trees from colonization by the six-toothed pine bark beetle, Ips sexdentatus Boern. (Col.: Scolytinae). Journal of Applied Entomology.


[IUCN] International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources. 1994. IUCN Red list categories. Gland (Switzerland): mCN. 22 p.

Ross HH. 1948. A textbook of entomology. New York: J Wiley. 532 p.

Schubert C. 1980. Aspectos geológicos de los Andes venezolanos: historia, breve síntesis, el cuaternario y bibliografía. En: Monasterio M, editora. Estudios ecológicos en los páramos andinos. Mérida (Venezuela): Univ Los Andes. p 29-46.


Pantchenko G. 1978. Arrastre (“Drift”) de insectos bénticos en el Rio Limón, Edo. Aragua [Tesis de Grado]. Caracas: Universidad Central de Venezuela, Fac Ciencias. 57 p.

Submission of manuscripts

We have until further notice the email method for sending the manuscripts:

The author must send the manuscript in Word format (.doc or .docx), letter size sheet, 1.5 line spacing, Time New Roman font size 12, justified and indented paragraphs, 2.5 cm margins in all sides. Pages and lines must be numbered.

Scientific notes must have a maximum number of 10 sheets including figures and tables.

Research articles must have a maximum number of 30 sheets including tables and figures and other sections decided by the author.

The use of neologisms and abbreviations not accepted internationally should be avoided.

In numerical notation decimals must be separated by commas (,) and thousands by a space ( ).

Italics should be used for Latin phrases; Underlined words are not acceptable.

Only for the review process will low-resolution figures be accepted.

Along with the manuscript, the author (s) must attach a letter to the Editor of ENTOMOTROPICA, in which they must record the following aspects:

  • If there are several authors, all agree with the publication of the work in this journal.
  • Declare that the information contained in the document is original, real and authentic and that it has not been previously published or is not under review in another journal.
  • Declare that the contained information does not violate any copyright or intellectual property and any offensive, defamatory or discriminatory statements.
  • During the performance of the work, the corresponding bioethics standards were followed.
  • All supplied contact information is accurate and correct.

To facilitate the peer review process, the author (s) may suggest at least two referees with expertise in the area to evaluate the manuscript, detailing their email addresses and institutions to which they belong. Finally, the Editorial Committee will make the decision and will contact the arbitrators who will carry out the arbitration process.

Definitive acceptance of manuscripts for publication in ENTOMOTROPICA

During the evaluation process, the editor will keep you informed, by email, about the progress in revising your manuscript.

Your work may be accepted in any of the following categories (a) accepted without modifications; (b) accepted with minor modifications or (c) accepted with major modifications. In any case, the editor will send you the results of the referees’ evaluation in order to make the suggested corrections; the editor may also suggest corrections.

The accepted manuscript with modifications must be corrected and forwarded to the editor within the period established for this purpose, through the email

For accepted manuscripts containing numerous illustrations, that is, several figures made up of a set of individual drawings, photographs, maps or graphics, each figure must be sent in .tiff, .jpg or .png format with a high resolution (minimum 300 dpi) and 15 cm actual size. As many files will be sent as many figures the manuscript contains. You should keep the figures in the Word file (.doc, .docx), at the end of the manuscript and at low resolution.

Along with the corrected manuscript, the authors must enter the ZooBanks code from the article (, once their acceptance to be published in ENTOMOTROPICA has been confirmed.


 The ENTOMOTROPICA Editorial Committee will attend to any conflict of interest that may involve the authors, reviewers and editors. In our journal, a conflict of interest refers to a non-manifest condition that may be personal, academic, economic, political, and religious or of another nature, which in the opinion of the Committee may influence or interfere in an inappropriate way in the presentation, review, editing and publication of a manuscript. It is not the intention of the journal to avoid conflicts of interest of the authors, but rather, honoring the honesty that should govern scientific research, it hopes that these potential conflicts are declared and sufficient elements of judgment are offered so that readers and reviewers can determine based on its own criteria if there is any intention that may affect the objectivity of the investigation carried out. Therefore, every request for publication must be accompanied by a statement from each author, specifying whether or not there is a conflict of interest with the form and content of the proposed document. Likewise, editors and reviewers must declare, if applicable, that they have no conflicts of interest with the evaluation or publication. Consequently, no article will come to light, even if it is accepted, until the forms with each of the declarations of conflict of interest have been received and reviewed by the Editorial Committee, who in safeguarding the interests of the authors and the magazine itself, may request more information on any of the statements presented. Nor will any article be published with a declaration of interests not satisfactorily resolved. In view of the foregoing, each author is required to complete the following form:


Título del manuscrito:

I declare that I have no potential conflict of interest related to this manuscript submitted for publication in the ENTOMOTROPICA journal, where I appear as one of the authors

I declare that I have a potential conflict of interest related to the aforementioned manuscript submitted for consideration for publication in the ENTOMOTROPICA journal where I appear as one of the authors

In case your answer is affirmative, specify the situation below:

Manuscript title:


Author’s name:




The ENTOMOTROPICA Editorial Committee is aware that any scientific research must be based on ethical principles based on the search for truth and social welfare, and that the interaction between the authors and the journal is an act of good faith, recognizes that the author or the authors, when submitting any document for consideration for publication, acquire the commitment to comply with the principles set forth above and must respond publicly for the consequences of their writings. Accordingly, each author is requested and appreciated to complete the following statement:


Manuscript title:

I certify that I have contributed directly to the intellectual content of this manuscript, to the genesis and analysis of its data, for which I am in a position to be publicly responsible for it and I accept that my name appears on the list of authors. Likewise, I declare that the aforementioned manuscript is the result of an original work, which has not been previously published and has not been simultaneously sent to another journal for its eventual publication.

Author’s name:



Note: the update of the instructions for authors of the ENTOMOTROPICA journal was done on October 2020.